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A2/1 German
Instructor: Katerina Ryparova, (18 sessions x 90 minutes)
Lesson days:
Location: HAK, Karl-Vogt-Straße 21, Schüttdorf
Course aim:
Successful communication in everyday situations
Course content:
Basic German language skills with a particular focus on verbal communication, various exercises and games contribute to a diverse teaching style, homework can be used to practice and thus ensure longer-lasting improvements.
Course materials:
Pluspunkt Deutsch – Österreich / A2, Cornelsen Verlag
Lesson 1 - 7
Homework reinforces and helps learners to retain information taught in the classroom as well as increasing their general understanding of the language.
€ 448,- including both book and printed material
max. 9 students
Get 50% subsidy for your language course!
All language courses at the Sprachtraum language school meet the requirements for funding with the Salzburg Education Cheque.
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