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B1/1 German
Instructor: Iva Videla (18 sessions x 90 minutes)
Lesson days:
Course aim:
To independently master various situations in both the public and the private domain
Course content:
Being able to express one’s opinion, compose and understand formal letters, grasp complex grammatical structures, and use them, reading multiple different texts both for gist and for detail, exercises and games contribute to a diverse teaching style.
Course materials:
Pluspunkt Deutsch – Österreich / B1, Cornelsen Verlag
Lesson 1 - 6
Books in German will be made available to help students immerse themselves in the target language.
€ 448,- including both book and printed material
max. 9 students
Get 50% subsidy for your language course!
All language courses at the Sprachtraum language school meet the requirements for funding with the Salzburg Education Cheque.
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